Company history

The company, a pure Swiss company, was created by 2 cardiology doctors, one of whom is active in intensive care. They made the statement that the only parameter not measured automatically in hospital is urine output.

During covid it was important to avoid contact with the patient and even enter the room to minimize the risk of contamination. This was a confirmation to these physicians that an electronic device has to be developed to facilitate urine output measurement.

Together they had the idea of developing a new system to measure diuresis automatically to reduce staff work and improve the quality of measurements in avoiding manual intervention. They decided with their engineers to propose a system that resembles as much as possible those used today in intensive care units. The results obtained with the in-vitro tests were beyond expectations as reported recently in the literature. In-vivo testing should confirm these results before commercialization of the product.


Dr Philippe Beuret
CEO and co-founder
Experienced physician specialist in intensive care and cadiology.
Dr Jean-Jacques Goy
Medical consultant
Professor of cardiology with a large experience in interventional cardiology and intensive care unit patients.
Nicolas Goy
Engineer and developer
Software developer and electronic designer.
Alexandre Despond
Chief operating officer with a large experience in the management of medical companies and manufacturing.